Hello Recruiters,
Do you want to become a rock-star Resourcing Specialist? Following are the skills you should acquire as a success resourcing specialist.
Attention to details
Indeed, details are very crucial. Pay attention to all the details. A minute information may help you crack a deal.
Big Picture Thinking
Our mind is all that matters! Have a bird’s eye view on the tasks you work on. This could help you think with a 360-degree approach.
Communication Skills
Of course! No two ways about this. If you can master flawless communication, you can do wonders. Especially, proficiency in English is a must.
Data Driven
Always focus on the data to keep a track of your performance and push yourself ahead. Numbers can easily influence our mind.
One of the greatest tools to achieve excellence at work. Empathy is “putting yourself in others’ shoes”. Think from the other person’s point of view. Empathize with your colleagues, consultants and clients. This can help you build good relationship.
Interact with your target consultants in a friendly manner. Of course in a professional manner. There is a huge difference between being friendly and becoming a friend.
Goal Oriented
As Andrew Carnegie says “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes”. Set goals and be determined – Rest will be taken care!
Health Management
As we all know – “Health is wealth”. Catch a good amount of sleep. Exercise. Eat healthy food on time. Being healthy leads to healthy thoughts!
IT Skills
In this modern era, being tech savvy is the basics of all. Being a recruiter, you can discover various means to source profiles if you are comfortable using various technologies.
Journal Writing Skills
Writing journal on a daily basis would help you catch all the learning points from any given work day. Before you hit the bed, just run through the previous day and recollect all the unique, strange, interesting, difficult, informative and worst situation and conversation you came across – This can teach you volumes.
Knowledge up to-date
Knowledge is power – This is a well-known proverb. Keep yourself up to date with the recent trends in the staffing industry, latest news which could affect your daily work and the new methodologies used in the industry.
Listening Skills
This is one of the heavenly skill any human being should acquire in their life. We have almost lost it. People generally focus on what they need to say rather than what the other person wants to say. Be a compassionate listener.
Document all your tasks which are in alignment with your goals. Learn to prioritize. Multi-tasking doesn’t mean you do multiple tasks in a given moment like eating a pizza while talking to someone and looking elsewhere. It’s focusing on various tasks which are interconnected with each other and could ensure the smooth running of your work towards the goal.
Negotiation Skills
Based on the observation and research, it says most of the resourcing specialists are afraid of negotiating as they fear losing the candidate. In fact, the candidate who is open to negotiate might be the candidate who is really looking for a job change.
Organizing Skills
A well-organized working style should help you achieve the maximum output. It also saves your time in finding the relevant data when you need it.
Patience! If you have come to this part of the article, it really shows that you have mastered the skill of being patient. All good things would come to us at the right time. Never give up!
Questioning Skills
Questioning is indeed an art! Asking a right question at the right time, to the right person, in a right manner, with an appropriate tone and with a set of right words could fetch you a fortune. Understand the types of questions such as opening, closing, probing, leading and rhetorical questions. Ask questions wisely and in an interesting manner. Your question will be answered.
You should become a reliable resource in your team. Always keep up the promises with both internal (your colleagues) and external clients (consultants, vendors and clients). Promise once broken is broken. Never over promise and under deliver – May be the other way around might help!
Social Media Skills
We don’t have to tell you, as you are the masters of Social Media. Leverage the power of Social Media to enhance your performance at work. Build network in social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Even your candidates are busy spending time in Social Media.
Team Work
Team work always works – We would have heard this a million time! What you give is what you get. Motivate your fellow team members. Share useful information with them. Appreciate them for what they do. You get everything in return.
Understanding Skills
Be curious to understand the message given by your stake holders. Never prepare your response when someone speaks. Listen actively and get the message in the right sense. Especially, on the screening calls with your consultants.
Vice Decision Making
Decision making is one of the very important skills. Support and Justify your decision with enough data.
Warmth in the voice
Sound polite. Be warm by using professional words in a friendly tone. Make your consultant feel comfortable listening to you. You have to watch out your pitch (volume), Inflection, Tone, Rate of speech and Pronunciation.
X-Factor - Resilience
The X-factor we all need to develop is the resilience power. Resilience refers to the ability to come back from a failure. I know the word “Back-out” is ringing in your mind. Consider failure as an experience. Just develop a thought to get up when you fall down – You thought can make you feel confident. May be Self-talking exercises could help.
Yearning to success
Yearning refers to a feeling of intense longing for something. When you build a longing for something this feeds your subconscious mind with repetition of emotional thoughts which could make it a reality.
Zeal refers to strong curiosity and interest in something. Develop the zeal in the core of profession – That could take you places.
These skills could make you a complete Resourcing Specialist.
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